30 years of Allergy UK



The British Allergy Foundation is founded

The British Allergy Foundation was founded by a group of leading allergists who saw the need for a patient organisation dedicated to allergy – a chronic health condition that was affecting more and more lives in the UK  (to become Allergy UK).


Allergy UK’s Seal of Approval is established

Now a globally recognised endorsement for products which have been scientifically tested and proven to reduce or remove allergens from the environment. It is currently used in 135 countries across the world by over 100 companies on a wide variety of products. The Allergy Friendly Product Award is given to products which have been independently tested and which are unlikely to cause a reaction.


Allergy Research Limited established as the trading subsidiary of Allergy UK

Providing independent scientific advisory and endorsement of products.

Allergy UK lauch its first Allergy Awarness Week.


Allergy UK is established as charitable patient organisation

Under the umbrella of the British Allergy Foundation


Allergy UK granted charitable status in Scotland


Appointment of Carla Jones as CEO

following retirement of the charity’s first CEO Muriel Symonds.

2021 – Allergy UK turns 30!

Our programmes and innovations over the years:

2003 First Allergy UK seminars on allergy for nurses and midwives

2004 Translation of Factsheets and other resources into different languages

2005  Allergy UK online diploma in allergy launched

2006  Introduction of podcasts and web chat added to our Helpline for people living with allergy

2007 Project Blossom created to support children with allergic conditions

2009 Launch of an Allergy UK website for healthcare professionals

2010 Development of regional allergy workshops for healthcare professionals in primary care (the start of our Masterclass programme)

2012 Introduction of a magazine for healthcare professionals (now Allergy Today)

2014 Launch of SAAG (School Allergy Action group) – a programme to help schools develop an allergy management policy

2015 First pilot for the Dietitians Service – a service providing specialist allergy advice to parents of children presenting symptoms of food allergy

2016  ‘Wheals of Despair’ campaign focusing on urticaria

2016 First Allergy Heroes Awards Programme

2017 New integrated website launched

2017 Feasibility study for a nurse-led primary care based allergy service in NHS Lothian

2018 Second Allergy Heroes Award Programme

2019  Allergy Awareness Weeks held twice a year in Spring and Autumn

2020  Launch of a programme of online webinar Masterclasses for healthcare professionals and a new programme of digital resources including videos and podcasts.

Our work with the National Allergy Strategy Group: 


  • The Royal College of Physicians Report ‘Allergy – the Unmet Need’ is published highlighting the gaps in care provision for people living with allergy


  • House of Commons Health Committee Report on Allergy published
  • Appointment of a Department of Health senior civil servant with responsibility for allergy to work closely with the National Allergy Strategy Group


  • Department of Health Report published with a number of key outcomes, including:
    • A national competence framework for allergy care pathways for children with allergy as well as, most importantly NICE Guidelines in allergy which set national standards for the treatment of allergy
    • ‘Nature and extent of allergy in the UK’ – evidence to the Department of Health Report from the BSACI


  • Primary Care initiative – improving GP knowledge of allergy – a joint report by the National Allergy Group and the Royal College of Physicians.
  • Meeting with Health Minister Anne Keen on lack of access to care due to patchy and minimal services as a result of a lack of doctors trained in allergy. This led to a report to the Workforce Advisory Group on need to expand the allergy workforce and create more training places for doctors to train as allergists

2007 – 2019

  • House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Report
  • Initiative to develop a a model new regional allergy centre  (the NW Allergy Centre)
  • RCP (Royal College of Physicians) and RCPath Report ‘Still not meeting the unmet need’
  • Primary Care Initiative Phase 2 – Allergy in Primary Care: improving awareness and knowledge of allergy through GP training and education work with the Royal College of General Practitioners.
  • Training course in allergy developed with RCGP courses, BSACI training courses and the development of the Allergy UK Masterclasses for primary care.

Allergy UK representation on the All Party Parliamentary Group for Allergy

Allergy UK has been involved in the All Party Parliamentary Group for Allergy since its inception, taking part in the Group’s meetings and events focused on improving the health service provision for people living with allergic disease:

November 2009
‘Young People and Allergy’ – a meeting for over 50 young people and their families at Portcullis House.

November 2010
Reception at the House of Commons attended by over 60 people with the Health Minister in attendance.

June 2011
Meeting on Airborne Allergies – their effect on quality of life

February 2012 
Meeting on improving allergy services – the journey towards adequate care

March 2013
10 Years on after the Unmet Need Report: NHS still failing patients

November 2014
Launch of the Report: Allergy, the Reality of the Unmet Need.

December 2015
Reception at the House of Commons: The Impact of Allergy calling for services; increase in education and better commissioning.

In 2021:

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