Our Fundraising Campaigns

By supporting our fundraising campaigns, you are helping us to achieve our mission to improve the lives of people living with allergies. Together, we can make a significant impact.

Donate to Allergy UK

At Allergy UK, we’re committed to improving the lives of those affected by allergies. Our fundraising campaigns play a crucial role in raising awareness, funding research, and providing support to those living with allergies.

We believe that people with this health condition deserve improved healthcare service and recognition of what it can be like to live with an allergy. That’s what we mean when we say “It’s time for the UK to take allergy seriously”.  For too long this condition has been poorly served.

Join us in making a difference. Explore our current fundraising campaigns and find out how you can get involved.

Donate to our Bursary

All donations to our ‘Wellcome’ Home campaign will only go towards funding air purifiers for families affected by Indoor Allergies.

Get involved

My Life, Your Hands

My Life, Your Hands is Allergy UK’s 2023 Christmas fundraising campaign. It shares Ella’s inspiring story, to raise awareness of severe food allergies, the impact they can have, and how to support those in need.

Find out more

Judith's Wish

In April 2019, Judith’s son Ruben went to the cinema to watch a film with his dad. Sadly, he wouldn’t come home again. Despite taking precautions and flagging his life-threatening allergies with staff at the cinema, Ruben was told some popcorn he fancied, was safe to eat. But it wasn’t. It wasn’t safe.

Find out more

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It is important to Allergy UK that we can engage with all people that are affected by allergic disease

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