World Urticaria Day 2022

1st October 2022

In the same week of World Urticaria Day (1st October), the condition has been in the news. BBC Southeast reportedon a Kent resident who is diagnosed with Cold Urticaria but struggling to manage her condition and undertake her day-to-day activities due to the rising cost of energy.

Allergy UK’s very own acting Head of Clinical, Margaret Kelman, cooperated with the news report to discuss symptoms, how to best manage the condition and the disruption it can have for those who are affected. Contrary to common misconceptions Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CSU) is not caused by allergies but can be triggered by several things such as the cold. Research suggests that in about 50% of people with CSU, the cause of their CSU is autoimmune.

This World CSU day, Allergy UK has released new patient information leaflets and posters to make it easy to understand more about the condition and the treatments available.These are available to download on our website.  

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