Allergy UK's toolkit for Members of Parliament

Dear Parliamentarian,

Did you the know that 1 in 3 of your constituents is living with one or more allergic disorders? In fact, over 44% of adults and 50% of children in the UK now live with a least one allergic condition. That’s why our theme for this year’s Allergy Awareness Week is Too Big To Ignore.

The UK has one of the highest prevalence rates of allergies in the world. Despite these alarming statistics, allergy is still not considered to be a major public health issue. In the past 20 years hospital admissions for severe allergic reactions have risen an astonishing 110%, whilst allergic conditions cost the NHS around £900 million per year. However, the greatest cost of all is paid in the tragic and avoidable loss of precious lives to allergy that we see each year.

Allergy UK is the only national charity representing the patient voices from across the full spectrum of allergic conditions. We are all too aware of a health system that doesn’t meet the needs of the allergic community and a society that doesn’t take allergies seriously. These shortcomings may have even led to one or more of your constituents getting in touch with you, to highlight the challenges they face living with an allergic condition.

To help you support your constituents living with allergies, we’ve compiled a toolkit with resources on allergic conditions, information on our services including our helpline, relevant website links and further information on Allergy UK.

The statistics and information presented in this toolkit paint a bleak picture of this complex medical condition. However, having worked closely with the allergic community for 33 years now, Allergy UK can see a way in which the unmet needs of the allergic community can be addressed.

I would welcome the opportunity to provide further details about Allergy UK’s proposed solutions to some of the biggest issues facing the allergic community as well the resources and services we have available that may assist you or your allergic constituents. If this would be of interest, please do not hesitate to contact our policy officer Daniella Rotimi; [email protected] or myself directly at [email protected]

It’s time to take allergy seriously.

We hope that you find this toolkit helpful for your constituents.

Yours sincerely,

Simone Miles
Chief Executive of Allergy UK

Useful sources of information and advice for your constituents

By sharing this valuable content, you contribute to creating allergy-aware communities and supporting individuals in managing their health effectively.

Find out more

How you can support people living with allergies in Parliament

In our collective pursuit of creating a society that is inclusive, supportive, and well-informed, we invite you to explore how you can play a pivotal role in supporting individuals living with allergies in Parliament.

Find out more

Allergy in Statistics

These key facts and figures aim to provide you with a robust overview of allergy statistics, shedding light on the prevalence, societal implications, and the imperative need for informed policy decisions.

Find out more

Allergy UK's Patient Charter

As the leading charity for people living with allergy, we have developed this Patient Charter which reflects the challenges that patients face in every single aspect of their lives – from accessing high quality care, wherever they live in the UK, to feeling equal in a society that dismisses their condition and disregards their needs.

Find out more

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