Template Letter to Manufacturers

Download our template letter to send to food and drink manufacturers calling for improved allergen labelling

Manufacturers hold a tremendous amount of responsibility in regard to the packaging of food products, specifically in the labelling of ingredients. Their current practices regarding allergen labelling significantly impact consumer health and further limit safe choices, especially for those living with food allergies. Clear, accurate, and transparent ingredient labelling is crucial for enabling consumers to make informed choices and safely manage their food allergies.  

With that in mind, at Allergy UK, we want to empower and encourage our community to take a stand that ‘Ingredients Matter’. We believe consumers have a right to clear ingredient labelling and transparency from food manufacturers. Vague labelling can put those with food allergies at serious risk. You’ll find a template letter below, which is designed for you to reach out to manufacturers to voice your concerns and demand better practices when it comes to listing ingredients. 

Getting your voice heard on food transparency and allergen labelling matters is essential, especially for a community that faces medical consequences from obscure or inaccurate ingredients. Please consider personalising and sending the letter below calling for positive change to manufacturers you think need improved labelling practices.  

Download the letter template

Food allergen labeling

Food allergen labeling

Food allergen labeling is not only a matter of convenience but a critical element in safeguarding the health and well-being of individuals with food allergies, ensuring they can make safe and informed choices about the foods they consume.

Decoding food allergy labelling

Decoding food allergy labelling

Food labelling can be complex and confusing, leaving many individuals uncertain about the safety of the products they consume. Our new leaflet serves as a practical guide to navigating food labels, providing clarity on allergen information and empowering consumers to make informed choices confidently.

Sign up for allergy alerts

Sign up for allergy alerts

Sometimes foods have to be withdrawn or recalled if there is a risk to consumers. This could be because the allergy labelling is missing or incorrect or if there is any other food allergy risk, such as cross contamination. If you would like to receive an email detailing allergy alerts for a particular allergen(s) then please sign up today.

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It is important to Allergy UK that we can engage with all people that are affected by allergic disease

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