For Pupils

Information and advice for young people managing allergies at school.

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Navigating school life with allergies might present challenges, but it doesn’t have to hinder your educational journey. Moving on from primary school brings different challenges. No longer is there just one classroom with one teacher, so it’s important that pupils feel empowered to speak up and know how to access help and support if needed.

On this page:

Communication is key

The key to being able to easily speak up and know how to access help and support if needed is explaining your allergies and helping others to understand them. You can help others to learn about allergy and anaphylaxis and help them to understand the effects it can have emotionally and in everyday life. Deciding who to tell about your allergies varies from person to person. But when it comes to telling teachers and those who care for you, not telling them isn’t an option. A few simple messages for fellow pupils are.

  • Know your allergies: Understanding your allergies is crucial. Be aware of what you’re allergic to, common symptoms of an allergic reaction, and how to avoid potential triggers.
  • Communicate your needs: Don’t hesitate to communicate your allergies to teachers, school nurses, and friends. Let them know about your specific allergies, symptoms, and what to do in case of an emergency.
  • Educate your peers: Help your friends understand allergies better. Educate them about the seriousness of allergies and how they can support you by being mindful of your triggers. You can download our anaphylaxis and severe allergic reactions factsheet to share with any of your peers.
  • Stay positive: Having allergies doesn’t define you. Focus on your studies, hobbies, and interests while taking necessary precautions to manage your allergies effectively.

Medication and allergy action plans

If you have a severe allergy, it is essential that your parent or carer provides the school with two adrenaline-auto injectors (AAIs) as well as any other allergy medication you may need. All medication should be in date and expired ones should be replaced. Medication should be kept with you at school and not locked away where it is not easily accessible. In an anaphylactic reaction, seconds count so be sure to carry it with you in you bag.

Any teacher or staff member in regular contact with you should be trained to use all adrenaline-auto injectors,  It will also be beneficial for you or a parent/carer to check if the school has spare adrenaline auto injectors on site.

Allergy action plans

Work with your parents and healthcare provider to create an allergy action plan. This plan outlines what to do if you come into contact with an allergen and how to use any necessary medication, like an adrenaline auto-injector.

The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) has produced a range of allergy management plans, which can be used for this purpose, and can be downloaded below.

Preperation and awareness

  • Safe snacks and meals: Pack safe snacks and lunches that align with your dietary restrictions. Inform lunchtime staff about your allergies and double-check food labels to avoid allergens.
  • Be prepared: Carry your allergy medication, such as an adrenaline auto-injector, with you at all times. Ensure that teachers and the school nurse know where it’s located in case of an emergency.
  • Stay vigilant: Pay attention to your surroundings. Be cautious during events with shared food or activities that might involve potential allergens.

Dealing with peer pressure

Unfortunately, many children have to contend with some sort of bullying. However, bullying children with food allergy can take on a new meaning if behaviour potentially causes a life-threatening event.

If you have feelings of either negative peer pressure or bullying because of your allergies, act early and turn to a trusted adult (a parent, guardian, or teacher) for guidance.

Remember, you’re not alone. Your school is there to support you every step of the way to ensure that all students feel safe, included, and empowered to succeed.

Additional support

Our helpline offers support to pupils like you, helping to provide peace of mind and guidance on navigating allergies in a school environment. For further advice and resources call us on 01322 619898, email [email protected] or use our web chat service to talk directly to one of our advisors.

Navigating allergies in a school setting requires collaboration, understanding, and proactive measures from parents, schools, and the wider community. By working together and staying informed, we can create a safer and more inclusive environment for children with allergies to thrive academically and socially.


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