In this last month we have also been able to reinstate our very successful Masterclass programme with the launch of our first virtual Masterclass of three live streamed sessions. These have attracted a large audience of healthcare professionals and all three Masterclass sessions are available on our website, with CPD points available. This Masterclass topic was ‘Understanding Food Allergy’ and included sessions on Food Allergy in Childhood, Peanut Allergy, Cow’s Milk Allergy, Atopic Dermatitis and Pollen Fruit Syndrome. Given the ongoing situation we have decided to focus on live streaming our Masterclasses in 2021 and more details of these will be available soon.
In this edition of Allergy Today we have articles on cat allergy, from both a clinician’s and a vet’s perspective, as well as on the microbiome and sublingual immunotherapy which we very much hope you will enjoy reading.