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Support our Patient Charter

We’re calling for patients, friends and family of patients, clinicians, and policy makers to lend their voices and support for this Patient Charter call and help us campaign for change.

Pledge your support to back our campaign to introduce an allergy nurse and dietitian as part of the services offered within GP practices.

Pledge your Support

How Allergy UK can help


We are a voice at the end of the phone to provide support and information on all kinds of allergic conditions, with our expert clinical team helping with more complex questions. Every day our Helpline advisors talk to people who are distressed and anxious about their allergy and the ways in which it is affecting their lives.

If you are looking for help and advise or information, call our Helpline on 01322 619898 – they can advise on your nearest NHS allergy clinic or consultant.

Alternatively you can email your enquiry to [email protected] or use our web chat service whereby you can talk directly to one of our advisors online.

Our website

Our website is home to a host of FREE downloadable resources including factsheets, leaflets, resource packs and the latest allergy related updates. Our resources can be downloaded here.