Allergy UK Launches Bursary to Provide Air Purifiers for Households Affected by Indoor Allergies
As part of this year’s Indoor Allergy Awareness Week, Allergy UK has launched a bursary aimed at supporting households affected by indoor allergies by providing air purifiers to households in need. The “Wellcome Home bursary” seeks to benefit at least 100 households will benefit in its first year.
For the millions of people living with indoor allergies, their home is often far from a place of refuge. Unlike seasonal allergies, such as hay fever, indoor allergy symptoms persist throughout the year, making day-to-day life a challenge. A recent survey by Allergy UK into indoor allergies and those affected, found that up to 81% had no respite from their symptoms.
This brings with it both a physical and financial toll that extends beyond the symptoms directly. According to the same survey, 69% of individuals with indoor allergies feel overwhelmed by the time and effort needed to manage their condition and 45% of households have seen a reduction in disposable income due to the associate costs of managing their allergy.
Air Purifiers: A Lifeline for Affected Homes?
Through Allergy UK’s endorsement scheme, scientific tests have shown that air purifiers can reduce the presence of airborne allergens such as house dust mites, mould spores, and pet dander. Used alongside other allergen-reduction methods, air purifiers can significantly improve indoor air quality and provide much-needed relief to individuals with an indoor allergy.
However, many families find it difficult to afford these devices and the associated running costs. Allergy UK’s Wellcome Home bursary aims to bridge this gap by supplying air purifiers to homes that need them most.
“For many people living with an indoor allergy, their home is not a sanctuary. Instead, it can be a hazard to their health. So much so, that findings from recent research we conducted reveal how 10% of those with an indoor allergy avoid going home and 20% of those restrict the areas they move in within their home. We’re hoping by making air purifiers available to those households in need, we can restore some quality of life to people affected.” explains Simone Miles Chief Executive at Allergy UK. “Having access to cleaner air can make a world of difference. An indoor allergy can carry risk of hospitalisation and long-term exposure to poor quality air can result in irreversible lung damage.”
Indoor allergies can take a heavy toll on a person’s quality of life, contributing to sleep disturbances, mental health struggles, missing work or school and a cycle of ongoing expenses.
The bursary is part of Allergy UK’s Indoor Allergy Awareness Week 2024 campaign “Creating a Wellcome Home For All”, which seeks to raise awareness of the daily struggles faced by those living with indoor allergies and offer practical solutions to help them live healthier, more comfortable lives. It will be funded by donations and a fundraising appeal which will extend to the new year.
Applications for the bursary are scheduled to open in December 2024. For more information on Indoor Allergy Awareness Week or the bursary program, please visit our website.
To donate to the Wellcome Home Bursary click here to find out more or text INDOOR followed by your donation amount (example INDOOR10) to 70085. Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message.