Hoover UltraMATT & Ultra Vortex (Bagless)

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The Hoover Ultra Vortex/UltraMatt is designed to eliminate dust mites from your mattresses and furniture. The Ultra Vortex/UltraMatt comes fitted with three cleaning modes; vacuum, roll & beat and UV-c lamp.

The Ultra Vortex/UltraMatt can penetrate deeply into textiles, removing house dust mites and house dust mite allergen, killing up to 99.9% of bacteria (Bacteria tested were: Escherichia coli & Staphylococcus aureus), use regularly to reduce your exposure to house dust mites, house dust mite allergen and bacteria.

People with allergy should always wear protective items, such as a face mask and gloves when they empty a bagless vacuum cleaner, to reduce their exposure to allergens. We also recommend that vacuum cleaners are carefully emptied outside and directly into a bag which should be sealed or closed immediately to avoid the creation of a ‘dust cloud’.

Endorsed Model No’s:


The Hoover Ultra Vortex/UltraMatt is designed to eliminate dust mites from your mattresses and furniture. The Ultra Vortex/UltraMatt comes fitted with three cleaning modes; vacuum, roll & beat and UV-c lamp. The Ultra Vortex/UltraMatt can penetrate deeply into textiles, removing house dust mites and house dust mite allergen, killing up to 99.9% of bacteria (Bacteria tested were: Escherichia coli & Staphylococcus aureus), use regularly to reduce your exposure to house dust mites, house dust mite allergen and bacteria.